We survived spring break!

Well, we are back from vacation, and WE SURVIVED. CAN I GETTA AMEN Was it the best vacation we've ever had? No. But it was a vacation nonetheless. We did some cool things. We saw some cool things. We visited some pretty sweet bars (of course). We walked a lot. One day, we visited this really scary jail that is supposedly haunted to try to decide if we were brave enough to take the haunted tour that night. Dave and I both got some really weird vibes just standing outside, decided we were too creeped out to take the tour, and watched the Ghost Adventures episode about the place instead. IT'S SEASON 6, EPISODE 11, IF YOU'RE INTERESTED But the one thing we did on this vacation that was so important was rest. Normally, when Dave and I go on vacation, we are up and going all day and all night. (Unless we are at the beach; beach rules are different.) When we left for this trip, we both agreed that we would have no agenda, only make loose plans, and REST. It was glo...