"I've punched a goose before."

That gem of a quote was provided by Dave the other day while we were walking around the lake. We came to some geese standing on the walking path, and as I was reminding Dave about the demon geese at the Riverwalk that chase me when I'm running, I discretely made my way to his other side, so as not to be close to the geese. "Did you really just do that?" he asked me. "If they chase you, all you have to do is punch them. I've punched a goose before." Literally almost died laughing. I'm laughing again thinking about it now. ANYWAY, that's not really what today's post is about, but I got a good laugh out of it, and I was hoping you would, too. I ain't tryin' to mess with you, dude. Dave's story about punching a goose may not be what today's post is about, but it did get me thinking about comfort zones—in that case, my comfort zone being avoiding the geese rather than standing up to them (though I just don't know about punchin...