"You're killin' me, Smalls!"

"Smalls" in this case being my ever-loving e-diary. If you've ever hung out with me at night, you've seen me pull it out of my purse, probably shake my head at it, then fill it out and throw it violently back into my purse. I've been asked why I have a second phone. If you didn't ask me, you were probably shaking your head like, Mmmmmhmmmmm . That's okay; it looks like one. It also has an alarm on it that I can't turn off, so it goes off every night at 7:00 p.m., whether or not I've already filled it out for the day. Sometimes, the additional reminder alarms go off at 7:30 and then again at 8:00, even if I filled it out at 7:00. This is not supposed to happen, but hey, technology, right? Except consistency... And if I forget to fill it out before 11:00 p.m., well, all bets are off for that day. If I get busy, or if I fall asleep, or if I go out and I forget to bring it with me and I get back home at 11:01 p.m., no dice. It counts for the next...